Dear Friends and Family in Faith, Sometimes things don’t go according to plan. We can complain and pout. We can get angry and resist. We can wait and trust. We can force things and push. We can get passive and sit back. Each of these responses is appropriate depending on the circumstances. There is a certain amount of wisdom and maturity that guides us when life doesn’t pan out the way we hope or expect. This year is a very unusual year for clergy appointments. For the first time since I began ministry, there are not enough pastors to serve our churches. It looks like there will not be a pastor appointed here in Livingston by July 1. There are at least 12 other United Methodist churches in Montana in the same position. The Cabinet will continue to meet and look for candidates through the summer, but it is unknown when someone will be here. So, how will you respond? The temptation is to pull back and disconnect from church. But I would encourage you all to do the opposite, to step up and draw closer. The leaders of these churches will continue to work together to provide worship for the parish and keep things moving forward. The good news is that God has not left. Draw on the strength of your relationships with one another, with other United Methodist Churches, and with the Lord. God will show up in unexpected ways, I promise. You might even be singing a new song by the end of summer. Psalm 40:1-3 offers us encouragement in waiting:
I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Worship · June 5th Patti will preach at Grace/8:00a, Pine Creek and Zoom/9:30a, and Holbrook/11a. We will celebrate communion together. · June 12th will be lay led worship at Grace/8:00a, Pine Creek and Zoom/9:30a, and Holbrook/11a. · June 19th will be Patti’s last Sunday. She will preach at each church Grace/8:00a, Pine Creek and Zoom/9:30a, and Holbrook/11a. · June 26th will be Brunch, Songs, and Surprises hosted by Pine Creek. More details to come. Farewell Picnic We are having a farewell picnic for Pastor Patti on Sunday, June 5th beginning around noon at Sacajawea Park. Lee and Penny McNeill are coordinating it. You can contact them at (406)686-4907 or [email protected]. Hymns and Prayers Join us this week on Thursday, June 9th at 7 pm for Hymns and Prayers on Zoom. We connect to God and one another through scripture, hymns, and prayers. As we draw close to God, God draws close to us, even through our screens! Here is the Zoom info: Meeting ID# 889 9872 6182 Passcode: hopelives Mountain Sky Conference News If you would like to be more connected to our conference, you can click on this link and subscribe to a weekly email that shares news and events that you can participate in. May the Lord bless you and keep you, Pastor Patti |
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