Dear Methodists of Park County and beyond,
We are exploring how we can Create Space for God. This week our focus is finding God within. God is all around us. God is in people. God is in the love between us. God is also within us. The Psalmist writes in Psalm 62:1 “For God alone my soul waits in stillness.” In spite of the psalmist’s difficult circumstances, he is able to find serenity. But it comes from within. He finds God in the stillness and in the silence. The spiritual practice this week is centering prayer. That is the practice of letting go of our thoughts. Read my attached sermon to learn more about this practice. Take 20 minutes to sit quietly. As thoughts arise, let them go and turn your focus to God. There is scientific evidence now that corroborates the values of this practice. If you want to learn more about that and how our brain functions, listen to this podcast of Brené Brown. I found it very fascinating. May the road rise to meet you and may the wind be always at your back.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Creating Space for God-this week our focus is finding God in nature. We have often heard or talked about the idea that nature reveals who God is. The Psalmist writes in Psalms 19:1 The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork There are many things that nature can teach us. Nature can teach us that there is beauty in the small things, that everything is connected – that each little piece is a part of the whole and that each little piece has a part to play. Here is one spiritual practice to help you find God in nature. Acts 17:28 tells us “In Christ we live and move and have our being.” As we seek to create space for God in our lives, we are focused this week on practicing the presence of God. Growing in our awareness that the Spirit of God is present to us every moment of every day. I invite you to experiment with one of these practices this week.
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January 2025
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