With another successful Pine Creek harvest sale in the books, here are a few pictures with highlights from that day. DEVOTION
Hebrews 13:1-2 says, “Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” What is hospitality? My initial reaction is to think of my grandmother. We are bombarded daily with negativity, conflict, and hate. Do you feel it? My heart is heavy this week as I hear people credit Christians with much of the hateful, judgmental, and exploitive approach to issues today. I believe in a God of love and grace, a God of compassion and mercy, a God of hope and abundant life. Which is antithetical to how our faith is often portrayed in the media and how some chose to express their faith. My deepest hope for us in Park County (and beyond) is that we are a people of love and light. Jesus says, “You are the light of the world. Let your light shine!” My prayer for us is that we find ways to boldly live this life of love and proclaim to the world in word and deed that love is the way. Will you join me? As we continue to collaborate together amongst our 4 churches, may the light of Christ shine brightly in all we do!
Saturday marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Here is a prayer written by Derek Weber and published on UMC Discipleship Ministries website. We remember, God of history and remembrance, we remember. We remember when the towers fell and the lives were lost; we remember the dust and the smoke, the despair, and the grief. We remember that sense of vulnerability and shock. We remember the numbness that overwhelmed us as we watched our screens for hours and hours, waiting for an explanation and understanding that never came. We remember. We remember, God of hope and presence, we remember. We remember the heroes, those who rushed to help, who guided the wounded down innumerable flights of stairs, who rose to overwhelm those who held death in their hands. We remember the hours and the days of binding wounds and healing hurts, giving comfort, drying tears. We remember words of support and compassion from nations far and wide. We remember. We remember in part because we see the ripples of that tragic day continue to impact our world twenty years later. We grieve with allies today as our allies grieved with us twenty years ago. And together we wonder if there will ever be an end . . . to violence, to war, to hatred, to death. We remember and we grieve our world’s inability to learn the things that lead to peace. We call to you now in our remembrance, God of justice and of peace. Give us a will to truly pray that your kin-dom may come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen and Amen |
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