Dear people of Grace, Holbrook, Pine Creek and Shields Valley, I am enjoying a week away in Idaho, exploring the Sawtooth mountains and studying the Beatitudes. This week is renewing my spirit and soul and preparing me for the months to come. It is good to get away from the daily grind of life occasionally in order to hear from God in new ways. I am sitting here by the Salmon River and golden Aspen leaves are falling on me as the wind picks up. Fall. This transitional season as the leaves change color and eventually fall off stirs me to reflect on my life. What do I need to let go of in this season? We tend to collect commitments, resentments, stuff, worries, etc. The cumulation burdens us and prevents us from the new life God has for us. Fall is a good reminder to let go as seasons come and go. SERMON SERIES AND DAILY SCRIPTURES
Each Sunday we are walking slowly through the beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-12. This week we will explore “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted”. I am working from a curriculum that includes a weekly family discussion and activity page. There are also coloring sheets which are connected to the family page for session 2. Both are attached. I encourage you to engage with our weekly theme in these creative ways. Feel free to show us your coloring on Zoom! Last week's sermon was "Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall have the kingdom of heaven." My sermon is attached. Our daily scriptures found here. WEEKLY WORSHIP We have two Sunday worship options: online with Zoom at 9 am and in-person at Holbrook UMC at 11 am. Each of us must assess our risk and our needs and determine what is best. Zoom log-on info is below. If you are coming in-person, please wear a mask and honor social distancing. ANNOUNCEMENTS: · UMCOR We are collecting supplies for Cleaning Buckets in response to the recent destruction by the hurricanes. The UMCOR West Depot is down to 2 pallets of Cleaning Buckets, so our help is needed! You can go online to get more information and to make a donation. Or you can purchase supplies and bring them to church by Oct. 18th. I’ve attached the list of supplies needed. I will need help getting our donations to Bozeman UMC by the end of October. Please let me know if you can help. · Pine Creek Harvest Sale is THIS Saturday beginning at noon. It will be outdoors and will feature ice cream bars in place of lunch. Auction starts at 1 pm. · Holbrook Harvest Dinner To Go. On Oct. 14th, we will offer a scrumptious turkey dinner to go. Drive through the parking lot between 4:30-6:30 to purchase your meal for $10 (children $5). Help is needed to cook turkeys, bake pies, serve the meal, etc. Contact Anita Brawner. · E-Giving: We’ve set up electronic giving on our website for each church. If that is a good option for your donations, go to and click on the “Donate” button. It is simple, safe, and convenient. Or, you can mail your donations to your local church, or to the Parish at 302 S. 9th St. Livingston, MT 59047. · Zoom Info o Weekly worship continues indefinitely on Zoom on Sundays at 9 am. Look for meeting information in our weekly email! o Hymns and Prayers: Join us for a mid-week pick-me-up on Thursdays at 7 pm. on Zoom. Look for meeting information in our weekly email! o Meaningful Conversations: Join us on Wednesdays at 11 am on Zoom as we learn together about the history of race in our country and how we can be people of inclusion. Look for meeting information in our weekly email! The Lord Bless you and Keep you! Pastor Patti |
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