Dear Fellow Pilgrims on this journey of faith, Today Psalm 71 has captured my attention. The author reflects on the presence of God through his or her whole life. V. 17-18: “Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation.” God is present every day of our lives offering us love and guidance and also inviting us to service and action. The ways in which we receive and the ways in which we give change in different seasons of our lives, but the call to do both remains the same. I remember when I was a youth talking with a woman who was in her 80’s. She shared with me enthusiastically what she had learned reading the bible that morning. I remember realizing in that moment that this journey of faith is a lifelong endeavor. Her testimony to me that day had a lasting impact. May we all find ways to receive God’s love each day. And may we be intentional about declaring God’s power to the next generation in word and deed. Worship Corner
· Change of plans for this Sunday. Holbrook will host us for brunch, but the speaker had to cancel due to COVID. So, come enjoy some yummy food and joyful fellowship. We’ll meet in the fellowship hall at Holbrook at 11 am. See you there! · Jan. 30th Worship Beyond Walls. We will be preparing and serving a meal at Loaves and Fishes. o Arrive at 1:00 if you want to help cook the meal. Penny McNeill will be coordinating. o Arrive at 3:00 to hear board member, Ted Scofield, tell the story of Loaves and Fishes and the good work they are doing to feed hungry people in Livingston. Then stay to help serve and eat. Meal is served at 4:00 o Dinner is over by 6. We need a few of you to stay and help clean up. o Questions? Contact Ted Scofield at [email protected] or (406)223-6217 Survey We are wanting to offer ways to gather and grow in faith through small groups. Small groups can take many forms. Please fill out this brief survey (6 questions) to help us meet your interests by clicking on this link: Pine Creek and Grace Gatherings Our District Superintendent will be here this Monday, Jan. 24th to meet with Pine Creek/Shields Valley and Grace. An informal gathering to connect and hear about how each church is doing. Pine Creek will meet at the Durgan’s at 5:00 for a potluck supper. (4507 Old Yellowstone Trail N / 406-222-6922) Grace will meet at 7:00 at the church. Sermon Corner Last Sunday I talked about the miracle of free unlimited refills. Listen/read my sermon to see what that has to do with Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana in John 2:1-11. Sermon is attached. Or you can listen to it here: Mission Corner Fun was had by all who helped sew curtains for the Livingston cabin at Luccock Park Camp. Thanks to everyone who helped! Small Groups Men’s Group All are welcome to join this lively gathering of men who discuss books and topics of the day. Join on Wednesdays at noon at Grace UMC. Hymns and Prayers I am restarting Hymns and Prayers on the 2nd Thursdays each month at 7 pm on Zoom. We connect to God and one another through scripture, hymns, and prayers. As we draw close to God, God draws close to us, even though our screens. Here is the Zoom info: Meeting ID# 889 9872 6182 Passcode: subscribe to our email to receive the password! Join us next month on Feb. 10th at 7 pm Space available for child care business Grace is making its basement available to rent for childcare. Do you know anyone who is looking to start a childcare business? The basement is child friendly with several classrooms and access to a kitchen. It has a fenced yard to play in. Rent is reasonable. Those interested should contact Tom Shellenberg at (406)223-3522 or [email protected]. Help us get the word out. May the Lord Bless you and Keep you! Pastor Patti |
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