DEVOTION Hebrews 13:1-2 says, “Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” What is hospitality? My initial reaction is to think of my grandmother. She was a fine woman who liked nice things. She was so much fun, we loved visiting her. My grandmother, aunt, and others of their generation taught me to use linen napkins, how to set a table, the art of a tea party. To this day, when I host a party, I hear them in my mind, telling me the proper way to do each little thing. Which makes me feel very inadequate as a good hostess. However, truth be told, as much fun as we had with her, and as beautiful as her home was, I was always on edge, worried I would do the wrong thing, make a mess, break something. Is the hospitality in Hebrews about the art of hosting a tea party and having a beautiful home?
In my college church group, I remember we had a guest speaker teaching us about hospitality. She said, “Christian hospitality is not setting a pretty table. Christian hospitality is making people feel comfortable in your presence.” That definition resonated with me! As we live out our faith every day, may we extend Christian hospitality to strangers by including others and making them feel comfortable in our presence. This is the art of making people feel valued and included, accepting people as they are. It is extending the grace-filled love of God to others. When does this come easy and when is it a challenge for you? Let’s push ourselves to grow in our capacity for hospitality as individuals and as churches. WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY This Sunday, Sept. 26 at 9:30 join us at Pine Creek UMC for brunch and a special speaker, Eric Hastings, Founder of Warriors and Quiet Waters. He will share their story and work of being a catalyst of healing for post 9-11 veterans through fly fishing. You can learn more at: This promises to be an inspirational morning. Invite your friends, especially those who have post 9/11 vets in their lives. Next week, Oct. 3rd, we will worship together at Holbrook at 9:30. I will be preaching and we will celebrate communion together. NO ZOOM WORSHIP this Sunday We will resume Zoom worship at 9:30 on Oct. 3, 10, 17. Join us from the comfort of your home or from any location in the world! Meeting id# 794 678 137 Passcode: Check your email or sign up for our weekly email by emailing [email protected] with the subject line "Weekly Email." PINE CREEK HARVEST SALE Sept. 25th The Pine Creek Harvest Sale will be THIS Saturday. We will serve a complimentary lunch at noon, followed by the auction at 1:00 PM. We will be outdoors, weather permitting. MEN’S BUNCH The Men’s group is looking for newcomers. They meet on Wednesdays at noon at Grace UMC and join in lively discussion. Their next book is What Every Christian Should Know About Judaism by Rabbi Moffic. They also band together for service projects. MEN’S BUNCH SCRAPE The men’s group power washed and scraped Alberts’s house in preparation for painting. They also trimmed and dumped juniper branches. Thanks to all who helped with this much needed project. WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE Bring in donations of new and gently used winter clothing by Oct. 24th. Must be clean and in good repair. All sizes for children, youth, and adults. Our Oct. 31st Church Beyond the Walls will involve giving away our donations to those in need. More details to come. HOLBROOK HARVEST DINNER Save the date, Wednesday, Oct. 13th for the annual Harvest Dinner. Sign up with Anita Brawner to help. You can contact her at (406)222-1789. SAVE THE DATE Nov. 7th will be our Church Conference, for all churches following worship. Our District Superintendent, Jan Witman will join us in person. May the Lord Bless You and Keep You! Pastor Patti |
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