Hope Austin Channing Brown recently wrote, “Sometimes hope isn’t what we feel, it’s what we do.” As we reflect this advent season on the role of darkness in our lives this quote caught my attention. Hope isn’t always feeling optimistic about life and the future. As I mentioned in my sermon last Sunday (attached to this email and a video version here https://www.methodistsontheyellowstone.org/worship/embracing-the-darkness ) hope begins in darkness. Hope starts when we are unsatisfied with the way things are. When we are in pain, feel frustration, experience injustice, are filled with anger, or sick and in need of healing. It is in these places that we need hope to help us cope, persevere, and move forward in a way that leads to healing, redemption, new possibilities, thriving, and even new life. Hope is trusting God will be with you in that process. Some days hope is having an optimistic mindset and believing it will be better one day. Some days hope is acting to bring about your preferred future. What can you do today to move yourself, your family, your community toward healing, wholeness, redemption or flourishing? You are not alone in that work; God is with you. Hold on to hope. Hope lives WORSHIP
We continue our Advent series on Embracing the Darkness, reflecting on how God uses darkness in our lives. Each week we focus on one of God’s gifts in advent: hope, joy, peace, love. This week is Hope. On Zoom, we will have “Show & Tell” weekly, so for Dec. 3rd, I invite you to bring something that is a symbol of hope to you. It is a communion Sunday too, so bring bread(something to eat) and juice(something to drink) with you to your Zoom screen. We also continue to worship in-person at the Holbrook sanctuary at 11 am, if you prefer that option. Wear a mask and we practice social distancing. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS 1.Flowers for Healthcare Workers and First Responders We are working together to encourage and appreciate all healthcare workers and first responders in Livingston. If you would like to contribute, please make checks out to Park County Parish designate “Flower Project”, and send to Grace UMC at 302 S. 9th St. If you want to help coordinate the effort, contact Bob Jovick at [email protected] or Stacy at [email protected] 2.Holbrook Christmas Tree This Friday at 2:30 all are welcome to come help put up the Christmas tree in the sanctuary. 3.Christmas Eve worship will be on Zoom this year. Join at 7 pm. Feel free to share the Zoom info and invite your friends and family. (Check your email for meeting ID and password) ZOOM INFO: (Check your email for meeting ID and password) · Weekly worship every Sunday at 9 am. · Hymns and Prayers: Join us for a mid-week pick-me-up on Thursdays at 7 pm. · Meaningful Conversations: Join us on Wednesdays at 11 am as we talk about how we live as followers of Jesus in our divided world. · Christmas Eve: Thurs. Dec. 24 at 7 pm. The Lord bless you and keep you! Pastor Patti |
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